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Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Help Nathan

I know I haven't post on here in awhile but I am posting this up in case anyone reads this and wants to help.
One of my fellow CO's was Brutally attacked at work and his family needs all the support they can get.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wow long time no post. Hope everyone is doing well. There have been quite a few changes in my life since my last post.

I have a New Blog over at

I Miss Online Poker. I miss it so freaking bad. Sure I have 2 casinos about and hour away but it was so nice and easy to be able to login and play for an hour or 2 and not have to drive and hour home afterwords.

I am Hoping this will be the year our elected officials get their heads out of their collective asses and figure out a way to get online poker back up and running in some form.

Check out my new blog which is about Correctional Officers and the fun stuff we do.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

BBT4 Rolls on with the Mookie tonight on Full Tilt Poker.

Tonight on Full Tilt at 10pm eastern a great number of Donkeys will attempt to play Poker.

come join the fun


The Mookie
Full Tilt Poker
10p.m. eastern
Password: Vegas1

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Legalize Marijuana or Pot? Not such a Crazy Idea is it?


So Some Crazy California State Senator thinks that Legalizing and Taxing Marijuana might be a good way to raise some money.

"The story SF Weekly broke on Friday is true: Assemblyman Tom Ammiano will announce legislation on Monday to legalize marijuana and earn perhaps $1 billion annually by taxing it. Quintin Mecke, Ammiano's press secretary, confirmed to SF Weekly that the assemblyman's 10 a.m. Monday press conference regarding "new legislation related to the state's fiscal crisis" will broach the subject of reaping untold -- and much-needed -- wealth from the state's No. 1 cash crop. Mecke said Ammiano's proposed bill "would remove all penalties in California law on cultivation, transportation, sale, purchase, possession, or use of marijuana, natural THC, or paraphernalia for persons over the age of 21.

The bill would additionally prohibit state and local law officials from enforcing federal marijuana laws. As for Step Two -- profit -- Ammiano's bill calls for "establishing a fee on the sale of marijuana at a rate of $50 per ounce." Mecke said that would bring in roughly $1 billion for the state, according to estimates made by marijuana advocacy organizations. "


Jezus H Christ, I thank god that someone gets it.  1 Billion a year for the state of California from Taxes But instead  Why do we spend Billions of dollars fighting a problem when the real solution is to leaglize it and tax the shit out of it like we do with Ciggarettes and Alcohol Both of which are Drugs that Kill Far more People every day than Marijuana ever will.


Today I saw this Headline "San.Francisco Sheriff: Decriminalize Marijuana Now".

See here is a Law Enforcement Officer who understands what his job is about. Protecting the People of his city from real crimes. Not to say there isn't crime associated with Marijuana but I think It is reasonable to assume if you remove the Black Market you will remove a good deal of the crime also.

Now that we have a New President who has Smoked Pot and Admitted it publicly We should see a relaxing of the posture from our Overgrown Government in relation to Marijuana and its enforcement by Law Enforcement Officers.

U.S. Attorney General Says Justice Department Will No Longer Interfere With States’ Medical Pot Policies

Time for Americans to be free again don't you think?


Friday, February 20, 2009

Forgive me Father for I have Sinned

Forgive me Father for I have Sinned, It has been 10 days since my last post.
I have not been Playing Much Online Poker on Full Tilt Poker but that time is coming with the BBT4 (Battle of the Blogger tournaments).

Here are a few Pictures that made me laugh today. Hope everyone has a Great Weekend.

Monday, February 09, 2009

BBT4 is Coming on Full Tilt Poker



I have been studying some on trying to get ready for the BBT4 on Full Tilt Poker. So Maybe I could actually learn how to play this silly game called Poker.

Yes the BBT4 is almost here. I keep checking Al's site to see if he is going to unveil the news anytime soon.

But until then I will just leave you with this lasting Image.



Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Christ it is Cold outside


07 21-Jan-09 12.09


I don't mind the snow But I really hate the Cold.

Please make it stop NOW.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Marijuana Still not Legal in Massachusetts


But we are pretty damn close. Today is January 2nd and Question 2 takes effect today. Yes It is still Illegal to smoke or posses marijuana but you will no longer be subject to arrest for less than 1 ounce, the New Penalty's are as follows.

Specific Provisions

The measure enacted the following provisions:

  • Replace criminal penalties with a US$100 fine of which the proceeds go to the city where the offense takes place.
  • Eliminate collection of Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) reports for minor infractions.
  • Maintain current penalties for selling, growing, and trafficking marijuana, as well as the prohibition against driving under the influence of marijuana.
  • The law requires additional penalties for minors not in current law such as Parental notification, compulsory drug awareness program, 10 hours community service, and a larger fine of $1,000. In addition, possible delinquency proceedings for those under 17 if the requirements are not completed.

The law represents a break with current Massachusetts law, where people charged with marijuana possession face criminal penalties of up to six months in jail and a $500 fine, and a CORI report is filed.


Awsome isn't it? Even though it is still Illegal the penalty's are right about where I think they belong.

Change is in the air,

21 more days till we get the next President.


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