Yes the time is a bit whiggidy-whack, (Biggestron Coined it first But I like it) I wanted to Play but 2 pm on sunday when it is going to be hot and Humid out prime swim time for the Little ones. I was there last sunday at 8pm when the tourney never showed up.
Good Luck to any BLOGGERS that play.
Tournament #25384409 (8/26/07 14:00ET)
Name/Title: WPBT 07 event #8
Password: wpbt72(bloggers only)
Date: 8/26 (Sunday)
Time: 2pm (Eastern/Server Time)
Buyin: $24 or token
Game: HO
Limit: PL
Amount of minimum players expected: 25-40
Saturday, August 25, 2007
WPBT Event #8 Fullt Tilt
Labels: Full, Full tilt, WPBT Event #8
Posted by Wwonka at 9:33 PM
Please shoot me now. I guess it is better than humming Songs from the Wiggles?
Not Much Poker is going on lately. I Got Madden 2k8 in the Mail and Been Having lots of fun with it. I then Proceeded to get my ass kicked twice last night By BcBombers.
The first time I had the Cleveland Browns and their defense sucks monkey Balls. But the 2nd game I had him on the Ropes and Gave up the Long drives.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Read the full story
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A woman set fire to her ex-husband's penis as he sat naked watching television and drinking vodka, Moscow police said Wednesday.
Asked if the man would make a full recovery, a police spokeswoman said it was "difficult to predict."
The attack climaxed three years of acrimonious enforced co-habitation. The couple divorced three years ago but continued to share a small flat, something common in Russia where property costs are very high.
"It was monstrously painful," the wounded ex-husband told Tvoi Den newspaper. "I was burning like a torch. I don't know what I did to deserve this."
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Poker, Football,
Poker has been kicking my ass lately so i am taking a break from most of it.Reading sir Waffles Yesterday I was amazed to see that he thought that Michael Vick would serve NO TIME IN PRISION?
But go check out Full Tilt Poker.
"Since everyone else is doing it I will make some comments on Michael
Vick. I HIGHLY DOUBT he gets one second in jail. I am even willing to
make prop bets here. I see him getting community service, making some
ad's about how bad it is to kill animals but I really do not see him
serving any time. Our country is based on rich people doing whatever
they want. Agree? Disagree? I do think the Falcons dump him and some
other team picks him up. I also would not be surprised to see the NFL
suspend him for a year."
Do people actually believe this? It is My Worthless opinion that he will be going to Jail for atleast 3-4 years. He will probably only serve a year or so.
He will also be suspended for a Minimum of atleast 1 year from the NFL after his Incarceration is over.
This is all assuming that he doesn't get brought up on State charges in addition to the federal ones that he is pleading guilty to, The state charges could add a significant amount of Jail time in addition to the stint he will be doing for the Feds. See you in the NFL in about 4 years Mr Vick.
------on the
Congrats to Tom Brady (Tommy Terrific) on the Birth of his Son with his Ex: former girlfriend, actress Bridget Moynahan. Lets hope we have the next great Patriots QB right there.
Tournament: Riverchasers Online Poker Tour
When: August 23rd, 21:00 ET
Game: NLHE Deepstack
Buyin: $10+1
Password: Riverchasers
Labels: Riverchasers, Tom Brady, Waffles
Posted by Wwonka at 4:16 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
High Class Call Girl of the Week for Bayne
Since Bayne is so lonely without his wife this post is for Him.
"Carine is the Jaguar of Companion Models.
The kind of woman that makes a man lose control at the wheel. A native of Australia but raised and educated in England, she enjoys the exciting things that life has to offer and believes in serendipitous encounters with handsome, assured gentlemen. She will make you laugh, make the butterflies come and go in the pit of your stomach, you will feel slighlty dizzy and breathless but above you will be completely enchanted by her...
Please call to schedule time with Carine."
Phone: (917) 270-9894
Location: NYC
Affiliation: Agency
Labels: Call Girls, Hccg, Hookers, Prostitues
Posted by Wwonka at 5:39 PM
Pot Shots
Pot Shots
Posted by CN Staff on August 08, 2007 at 12:33:05 PT
By Mark Honigsbaum
Source: Guardian Unlimited
USA -- What is the most valuable cash crop in America? If you answered wheat or corn then either you've been eating too many Fruit Loops or you haven't been inhaling deeply enough. As any fan of Weeds - Showtime's hit series about a dope-dealing suburban mom - will tell you, when it comes to hard cash these days, cannabis is king.
According to a study by John Gettman of the Coalition for Rescheduling Cannabis, marijuana cultivation in the US is now worth a staggering $35bn (£17.3bn) a year, making old Mary J bigger than corn and wheat combined.
And that's just the illegal variety. Cross the Californian state line and search out a sympathetic physician and you can purchase pot and even cannabis-laced Munchy Way chocolate bars perfectly legally at one the state's 600 medical marijuana dispensaries. Little wonder that the White House is up in arms. Never mind the war on terror, scream the neo-cons, what about the war on weed?
Perhaps that explains why last month the Drug Enforcement Agency torched 60,000 marijuana plants with a street value of $30m concealed in a forested preserve in Cook Country, Illinois, as part of a nationwide campaign against marijuana cultivation on public land. Or why two weeks ago the DEA raided 10 marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles and charged four operators with violating the Controlled Substances Act. Or why the DEA has been using the same federal drug laws to target the cultivation of industrial hemp on Indian reservations.
Never mind that hemp, used in everything from rope-making to clothing to car door insulation, is ideal for the dry climate of the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota, where farmers like Alex White Plume and other members of the Ogala Sioux tribe eke a living. Or that hemp contains only traces of THC - the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana that gets you high - or that in the 1930s the federal government encouraged the Ogala to cultivate hemp to ease the effects of the Great Depression. According to the DEA, hemp fields could be used to conceal high THC-bearing strains, hence the feds' "zero tolerance" policy.
The crackdown comes as Bush's drug czar John Walters - in a series of statements that recall the Reefer Madness campaigns of the 1930s - has sought to demonise marijuana in the public's mind, claiming the current strains are far stronger than the "mom and pop" varieties popular in the 1960s and 70s. In fact, according to the DEA's own handbook, of more than 4, 600 domestic strains analysed by the government between 1998 and 2002, fewer than 2% were found to contain THC levels above 20%.
But such is the paranoia in the US today about any form of "subversive activity" that now even local law enforcement officials are getting in on the act - hence the raid last month on Dennis "Day" Yusko, a 71-year-old hippy and veteran of the Woodstock festival by anti-narcotics police dressed in Kevlar jackets (Yusko, a leading light in Woodstock's Rainbow Tribe, was charged with possession of just two grams of marijuana, hardly enough to get a hamster buzzed, let alone Fat Freddy's Cat).
The irony is that the crackdown coincides with the 70th anniversary of the Marijuana Tax Act, a law that like the Controlled Substances Act which replaced it, proved a spectacular failure. The 1937 act was conceived as a tax on buyers and sellers, but the penalties for non-compliance were so draconian that it effectively functioned as a ban, prompting the removal of cannabis from the US Pharmacopeia in 1942 (because it required buyers to purchase a stamp, it also clashed with the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination). Unfortunately, the 1970 Controlled Substances Act has proved even more punitive, placing marijuana in the same category as heroin and LSD, with stiff 20-year jail terms for those caught "trafficking" across state lines.
Yet for all that the White House has sort to demonise weed, dope remains as popular as ever. In a survey last year, 28 million Americans admitted smoking pot and approximately 85% of high school seniors described marijuana as "easy to get" - a figure that has remained virtually unchanged since 1975. And this despite a record 800,000 busts last year, nearly all for simple possession.
As Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project, which has been pushing for decriminalisation of marijuana, puts it: "It's hard to think of a more spectacularly bad, long-term policy failure than our government's 70-year war on marijuana users."
So will the White House roll over and agree to take a hit on this one? Don't count on it. Although California, in common with 11 other states, has deemed the sale of marijuana to treat such medical conditions as glaucoma, cancer and Aids legal and House Democrats are pushing for a ban on the use of federal funds by the DEA to prosecute medical marijuana patients, the justice department argues that the dispensaries are in violation of the Controlled Substances Act and charges the operators with being little better than licensed drug dealers. The result is that the stage is now set for a classic federalist-style confrontation over state's rights, with hundreds of medical marijuana cases pending in the Californian courts.
But perhaps we should take heart from the reaction of medical marijuana patients. Earlier this year, they risked arrest by blockading clinics in Santa Monica ahead of DEA raids. Now, with the first court hearings pending, they're threatening to take their campaign state-wide. Proof positive, you might think, that the new strains of marijuana aren't quite the lifeforce-sapping evil portrayed by opponents.
Note: The US government is waging a Reefer Madness-style war of words and deeds on the country's cannabis growers.
Source: Guardian Unlimited, The (UK)
Author: Mark Honigsbaum
Published: August 8, 2007
Copyright: 2007 Guardian Newspapers Limited
Who Likes Waffles
"It leads to other weird ass trains of though like for instances where do all these porno chicks come from? I mean you can log on to the internet every night and surf for ten hours and never see the same chick again.. What percentage of Americans have done a porno? Does anyone have that statistic? I mean does that show that someone I know has done a porno but I do not know about it? Kat? Jewels? IG? Carmen? LJ? YoYo? Is there something you want to tell me? I mean I could not imagine any of these fine ladies doing something like that.. is it all young California wanna be stars? Where do all these women come from?? Why did I never meet them when I was single.. Ok now that I have probably pissed off every female I even remotely know.. See lack of sleep is dangerous."
I have seen some photo's and could definetly imagine a few of these bloggers doing a porno and I Can believe that SirWaffles has never imagined a movie containing Carmen and others?
Not that I think any of them have ever done Porn. AND I DIDN''T MEANT TO IMPLY THAT EITHER.
See you at the Math tonight on FulltiltPoker.
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Labels: Waffles
Posted by Wwonka at 4:00 PM