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Friday, March 23, 2007

Jesus has returned

Well not really but this is the next best thing.

Papelbon to return as closer

8 days till the season starts and the Redsox look much better with the return of
Jonathan Papelbon to his rightfull place as the closer.

The Biggest concern going into camp was who would close for this $160 Million roster But those
worrys are Gone. Now all we need to hope for is that Curt "Look at Me" Schilling
can Hold Up thru the season and this could be the year we unseat the Yankee's for the division
Fuck the Wild Card Lets just knock the yanks and thier fans off the High Horse they all
ride on. Have you ever listened to a more Whiney Bunch of fans?? Well other than Raider fans since they are the biggest Bitches of all.

10 days till opening Day. and only 2 till my fantasy Draft.

Have A great weekend everyone.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Back from Vegas

got home late monday night and I will do a proper writeup soon.
Played alot of poker. drank alot of Scotch. smoked alot of weed and looked at alot of pretty ladies.
Played a few tourneys and had decent stacks early in 2 of the 3 but couldnt get any traction when it was most needed. cash games were very good to me after the the first day.


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