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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Alittle Grump are we????

FeliciaLee: "the kumbaya's who started it in the first place!'"

9:46 am
Entitlement? Yeah, Eat my Azz!
I am still unable to get past this entitlement belief that so many people possess. I have been an adult for almost 20 years, yet I still can't seem to understand it, or accept it at all.

Almost every person I've spoken to over the past few weeks insists that a certain well-known man "owes" them an explanation. He charges them nothing to participate on his website. He gives out free advice and help. He provides a meeting place and open discussion. He doesn't ask for anything in return other than civility.

Yet everyone I've spoken to insists that he "owes" them something. This is absurd, imo.

The readers coming here are reading my journal because they like the candid look inside of me, my life. I write, they read. I don't charge them to read. I hand out advice when I can, although I'm not always sure if it's worth anything ;)

Good thing I don't charge, eh?

But if even one of them said that I "owed" them an explanation on a big issue? Well, that would be the last post they would be allowed to make. I don't "owe" them jack. Nor does he.

You can insist and demand all you want, but to me, you look like an idiot. Have you gotten so used to the welfare that this country hands out like candy that you believe someone "owes" you anything at all??? I suppose so, because I've yet to find even one exception in this case.

Just because someone is providing you with a website, free of charge, doesn't mean suddenly you are his employer and can boss him around, demanding that he give you even more, more, more.

I'll say what he won't: eff off.

And blow me. And GTFO my site. And eat me. And "go demand your welfare somewhere else. Maybe from the kumbaya's who started it in the first place!"

Have a nice day!

Felicia :)"

Wow did some bitch wake up on the wrong side of the pillow or what?
I can't even figure out who she is talking about? I will guess
that she is talking about Mason Malmuth over at 2+2 which
while being a free site and All the Police the chat just like hitler
did. If you don't aggree with them they will ban you or delete your

They are also making money off this Free site,
So they do have some Responsiblity to the Masses But lets say they don't
they could still offer an Opinion as to the current lesiglation will bring.

Just love a good rant Like Felicia had. Maybe she could ask her doctor for some new
Happy Pills since these don't seem to be working.
she also suggests that we should
"blow me. And GTFO my site. And eat me. And "go demand your welfare somewhere else. Maybe from the kumbaya's who started it in the first place!"

maybe we don't want to touch you nasty old cooch so let glen have it all.
Life is way to short to be miserable all the time.


An Open Letter From Full Tilt Poker

An Open Letter From Full Tilt Poker Regarding the State of Your Online Poker Experience
Posted by Full Tilt Poker.

As many people are well aware, the United States Congress recently passed legislation that aims to make it illegal for U.S. banks to process transactions related to online gaming.

We, like all online poker players, are dismayed and saddened by these potential regulations, and are doing our best to determine what these changes will mean to our customers. We are continuing to study this legislation and, until our investigation is complete, believe it would be wrong to comment on how these new rules will impact the ability for players to transfer funds to and from Full Tilt Poker.

In the short term, we assure you that your online experience at Full Tilt Poker will not change. You will still be able to deposit and withdraw money from the site using the same methods and payment processors you have always used, and your money will remain completely safe and secure. We cannot predict how the online poker experience may change in the future, but we do not expect any immediate impact from the legislation, as the banking industry has 270 days to implement new rules after the bill is signed.

It is also important to note that, once signed, the new legislation will not criminalize individuals for playing poker online. Instead, the bill will eventually attempt to prevent the transfer of funds to online gaming. As poker is a game of skill rather than pure chance, we hope that it will not be affected by this new bill. Speculation aside, however, we will continue to work closely with organizations like the Poker Player's Alliance to lobby for an exemption for online poker and for your right to play a truly American game from the privacy of your own home and computer.

While this last-minute congressional move has undoubtedly caused concern among our players, we want to assure you that Full Tilt Poker is legally regulated and licensed to offer its services to anyone around the world and that your day-to-day experience at the site will remain unchanged in all respects.

Full Tilt Poker

so head on over and check out one of the best rooms on the net that your still allowed to play at. They Have great software and support. Unlike Party which besides having the worst software around screw you at every chance they get.


The Apocolypse is upon us NFL - Embattled Owens to release children's book series - Friday October 6, 2006 9:01PM - NFL - Embattled Owens to release children's book series - Friday October 6, 2006 9:01PM:
"Embattled Owens to release children's book series"

I dont have anything else to add just found this Somewhat Amusing.


Friday, October 06, 2006


Since Congress decided to Stick up the Ass of every
Online Poker players I havent writen anything on it.
I just couldn't put what bothered me the most into words
then i read this post on Amy's Blog and she hit it on the Head.

AimlesslyChasingAmy: "I play(ed) poker online. But losing that opportunity doesn’t even make my top three issues I have with this legislation. While pork and private agendas in legislation have failed to surprise me for decades, Frist’s blatant cramming of this legislation into this particular bill managed to crack even my disillusioned foundation. The fact that this security bill fails to secure mass transportation in deference to Frist’s catering of Leach’s anti-gaming fetish should (but sadly may not) irk more than online gamers. And then there are some trivial concerns like privacy and government control; issues that the Republicans actually used to claim as their moral high ground. It is tragic that this becomes yet another poster child for how public policy can be hijacked by a couple of well positioned morons."

Head on over and Read the rest of the post.


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Talk about Getting an Anal Reaming

Sometimes you hit em and sometimes you don't,
but the last 2 nights I have just Been battered Beaten and Bruised.
last night the Ass Raping Began, that I got when this was my final hand.

After this I Just went to bed since I tilted.
So tonight I am Playing the $5.50 tourney on the Best Damm poker Room there is, Full Tilt Poker and it's not that I lost since that isnt what bothers me it just the Ridonkuless Beats.

Here is Ass Raping #2

All the Money went in on the Flop. But he Called A Bet for 4/5th of his stack with a Draw
Crazy?? Yeah and I know these are the calls we want but Some Times I wish There would Atleast be alittle Foreplay First.

You Play on Stars and there is someone There screaming its rigged that shit like the hands above only happen there but you see the same bad play and suckouts everywhere.
Just look at this years WSOP ME for some incredible stuff. hands that people think only happen online.

What a fun game Eh?

Too Bad Our Goverment Has Decided once again that they
Know what is best for us, What I find even Even More Despicable is How
they went about getting the legislation passed. Sneaking it onto the Port security Bill
which they Know was going to Pass.

Atleast Full Tilt is sticking Around unlike Party and others.
And they have the best Bonus Around up to $600 free.
Bonus Code is 72HAMMER on Full Tilt.
play online poker
Play Online Poker



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