So Does anyone That does NOT reside in New England think the Patriots can win??
Well I will say it right here that they will win by 10, Thats right 10 points, I think it will be
close till the end when Mr Belechick can confuse The Young QB to make a crucial mistake.
The Patriots Offense is getting dissed all over and everyone is talking about The Chargers Defense as if they are the 2nd coming of the Steel Curtain. Not so infact the Patriots defense is the #3 defense in the NFL. So I think that the Pats can and will score on the chargers,
I also think that the Chargers will score so look for a high scoring game.
Here in 2006, the Patriots fielded the stingiest defense in franchise history (14.3 PPG) and were second in the NFL in the all-important defensive passer rating category, a Cold, Hard Football Facts Quality Stat.taken from
34-24 patriots.
I will also pick the other 3 games with my stone cold Locks
take the colts, Sehawks and New Orleans.
i was thinking of teasing the Patriots and the Seahawks. 15 points would be alot for the bears to overcome with that offense.
This Dude with the LOSER hat is The LUCKIEST MAN ALIVE.