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Friday, July 20, 2007

Nickerblog and 30 ways to happiness.

Mr Nickerson came up with a Pretty neat list of 30 ways to a happier life But he seems to have only come up with 29 , I reprinted the list with comments and added #30.

Go check out Nickerblog: 30 random ways to a happier life.

30 random ways to a happier life.

1. Learn early on to enjoy warm soda. Trust me, it comes in handy. While you're at it, learn to drink black coffee.

2. Let go of your need to make all the choices all of the time. Other people have better ones sometimes.

3. Learn to play guitar, juggle, ride a unicycle, do a backflip and play Scrabble.

4. Avoid trends. Go for timeless fashion.

5. Skip the iPhone. Get a Blackberry. ( I really want an Iphone)

6. Learn to enjoy warm beer. (this one is more
advanced, but well worth it). YUK

7. Pick a team in any sport and be a hardcore fan.

8. Combine all of your e-mail addresses.

9. Own a car that doesn't own you. There may be no
bigger waste of stress than worrying about the looks of a car. Let it go.

10. Love what you love. Don't trick yourself or others. (This should be #1)

11. Cut out people that bum you out.

12. Find joy in condiments. Similarly, acquire tastes just for the hell of it. Like Sauerkraut and Whisky. But not together. Unless you're high.

13. Stop imagining that people are saying things about you. They're mostly just worried about themselves. (this should be #2)

14. Ignore social constraints if more convenient or sensible than abiding by them.

15. Learn to play D&D. If you're already laughing this one off, learn it immediately. ( Make it World of Warcraft and you are on track )

16. Feel free to simply let parts of your past go. (like those crazy ex girlfriends)

17. Get rid of the stuff you're hoarding. It's an emotional drain.(have you been talking to my wife?)

18. Don't get too attached to any one material thing.
It's just stuff.

19. Learn the basic rules of the major sports.

20. Get good at Frisbee.

21. Whoever makes you happy most of the time, that's "the one."

22. Change is unavoidable. Embrace it, on every level.

23. Learn how to use a gun.

24. When it comes to parking, pay the most for the closest once in a while.

25. Treat yourself to nice underwear. Life is too short. ( don't get this one it seems all the same to me but I am a guy)

26. Get a passport, even if you never plan on leaving the country.

27. Learn how to play poker. (only if you want to get beat down)

28. Don't be too afraid of "street meat."

29. Always be ready to let go of your original plan...

He didn't have a #30 so i will add my own.

30. Tell those People and Friends that are important to you how you feel.
tell you your kids that you love em. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

This is actually my #1 to many of us go thru life Not telling the people that we care about how we feel. is doing something good for charity even though it might be a Pain in the Ass (literlay).

"But so far, you folks have me committed to 12 laps in the 24 hours of Booty bike ride,
raising money for cancer survivors, research and other generally good cancer-fighting-type things."

Head on over to
and See how far he will actually have to ride.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Good News From Netteller

Good News From Netteller at least if you are waiting for your money.
read the whole article here :

Press Release
Press Release
NETELLER Announces Settlement of US Situation

Wednesday, 18 July 2007 - NETELLER Plc (LSE: NLR), the independent global online payments business, today announces that the Company has entered into a Deferred Prosecution Agreement (“DPA”) with the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York (“USAO”). The DPA represents the resolution of the USAO’s investigation into the Company.

Pursuant to the DPA, the Company has consented to the filing of a criminal information relating to transactions between Internet gambling merchants and persons located in the United States. The USAO has agreed to defer the prosecution of any federal charges and, as a consequence, the Company will not be convicted of any federal crime, as long the Company fulfils the set conditions of the DPA during the two year term of the agreement. At the conclusion of the two year term, the criminal information will be dismissed. The key terms of the DPA are set out in more detail later in this announcement. The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York has approved the deferral of the prosecution. As part of the DPA, the Company has also agreed to forfeit US$ 136 million to the United States. This amount includes the approximately US$ 60 million that the USAO has previously seized.

Additionally the Company announces:

* Following this resolution, the Company will seek to publish its audited annual accounts for 2006 and have its shares restored to trading on AIM as soon as practicable thereafter.

* The Company is using its best efforts to allow withdrawal requests as soon as possible and US customers will be able to sign in to their NETELLER account to request the withdrawal of their funds by no later than 30 July 2007. The exact date upon which US customers will be able to make requests will be communicated to US customers via email and through our website.

Ron Martin, President & CEO, said “This agreement resolves the USAO’s investigation relating to the Company’s former US business activities. We believe that this settlement is in the best interests of NETELLER and its shareholders."

“Our customers, employees and shareholders have all patiently waited for this resolution. We anticipate within the next few weeks that we will have fully implemented the plan for the return of funds to our US customers and are hopeful that, by that time, we will have restored the Company’s shares to trading on AIM. We can now begin to refocus our efforts on building and strengthening the NETELLER business in the growing markets of the European and Asia Pacific regions. I look forward to sharing further information about the Company’s progress over the coming months.”
Key terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement

The settlement takes the form of a two year DPA with the USAO. In the DPA, NETELLER has consented to the filing with the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York of a criminal information charging NETELLER with participating in a conspiracy in violation of certain US laws. If NETELLER fulfils its obligations under the DPA, the criminal information will be dismissed, following the two year term.

Specifically, the DPA contains the following main points:

* NETELLER, as detailed in the “Statement of Admitted Facts” attached to the DPA, admits that it had operated in the US an unlicensed money transmitting business and had participated in the performance of financial transactions for the purpose of promoting unlawful transactions between internet gambling merchants and persons located in the US.

* NETELLER agrees that it will pay an amount to the United States totalling US$ 136 million which is disgorgement of certain profits received by NETELLER from the activities described in the Statement of Admitted Facts. This amount includes the approximately US$ 60 million that the USAO has previously seized. NETELLER agrees that it will satisfy the remaining portion of its forfeiture obligation with a payment of US$ 40 million to be paid on or before 15 October 2007, and the remaining balance (approximately US$ 36 million) to be paid on or before 17 January 2008.

* NETELLER agrees to cooperate fully with US authorities in all matters relating to the ongoing investigations by the USAO.

* NETELLER agrees to fully implement procedures and controls to prevent illegal transactions between internet gambling merchants and persons located in the US and to continue to retain Navigant Consulting Inc., a forensic accounting firm, to monitor NETELLER’s compliance with these procedures and controls.

Distribution Plan to be implemented

As announced on 4 June, the Company has agreed to a plan for the distribution of funds to its US customers. The agreed plan details the process and mechanisms by which US customers will be able to initiate the return of their funds after the plan is implemented. NETELLER is using its best efforts to start implementing the plan as soon as possible and, in any event, by no later than 30 July 2007. The Company will communicate to US customers via email and through its website the exact date upon which such customers will be able to make requests.
Restoration of trading to AIM

As stated in the Company’s announcement of 13 July, the Company continues to make progress regarding the ongoing suspension of the Company's shares from trading on AIM. The Company is in discussions with its advisers and AIM and understands that the admission of the Company’s ordinary shares to trading on AIM has not to date been cancelled.

With today’s announcement of a resolution of the USAO investigation, the Company is now focused on finalising and publishing its audited annual accounts for 2006. The Company will endeavour to post the 2006 accounts to its shareholders as soon as practicable following which the Company anticipates that trading in the Company’s ordinary shares on AIM will be restored.

Further details will be announced as and when they become available.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Foxwoods tripMy Brother Was in town from LA this weekend and he had a Hankering to play some Omahaaaaa
so Yesterday Ron, Rake Feeder and I went to the Woods and Saw the Wonder of it all.

We got there about 3pm and Went and had a nice quick Lunch at Panera Bread. then went down to the Poker
room and Signed up for the 4/8 omaha h/l half kill game. there were 4 names ahead of us with only 1 table running
But lucky for us all the names ahead of us had either left or given up on playing O8.

My Brother Ron got a seat after about 30 min and I got one not 10 mins later. with Ron in the 9 and me in the 2 we didnt have much chance to talk so I ended up moving down to the 10 seat and watched the new person in the 2 hit 3 hands in a row.
This game is full of OMATARDS jesus christ was it painfull. But that is what I get for playing Omaha. with a bunch of
Chasers. I know the games about the draws but people were calling down with Crap and hitting.I got up after about 2 hours down $150. I just couldn't hit a flop to save my life. lots of good starting hands that went no where.

After that I decided to play 4/8 limit and this wasn't any better. seats 1,2,3,4,5 were all over the age of 65 and atleast 4 of them limped into every hand. AA cracked by 23s this was a common theme at this table these guys had almost no starting hand selection. i ended up down only 20 after about 5 hours at the 4/8 table. Which I was pretty happy about since I just couldn't get any traction and the Old Folks were on fire.

Rake Feeder Had a good night so head on over to his Gay online Diary for his writeup.

Now that your done reading my drivel go check out the TAO OF POKER FOR SOME GOOD Writing.

check out the Tao of Poker
and Don't forget to also check out LasVegasVegas for Flipchip's WSOP photos and there's the Poker Prof's cool 2007 WSOP Info page.


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