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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Foxwoods tripMy Brother Was in town from LA this weekend and he had a Hankering to play some Omahaaaaa
so Yesterday Ron, Rake Feeder and I went to the Woods and Saw the Wonder of it all.

We got there about 3pm and Went and had a nice quick Lunch at Panera Bread. then went down to the Poker
room and Signed up for the 4/8 omaha h/l half kill game. there were 4 names ahead of us with only 1 table running
But lucky for us all the names ahead of us had either left or given up on playing O8.

My Brother Ron got a seat after about 30 min and I got one not 10 mins later. with Ron in the 9 and me in the 2 we didnt have much chance to talk so I ended up moving down to the 10 seat and watched the new person in the 2 hit 3 hands in a row.
This game is full of OMATARDS jesus christ was it painfull. But that is what I get for playing Omaha. with a bunch of
Chasers. I know the games about the draws but people were calling down with Crap and hitting.I got up after about 2 hours down $150. I just couldn't hit a flop to save my life. lots of good starting hands that went no where.

After that I decided to play 4/8 limit and this wasn't any better. seats 1,2,3,4,5 were all over the age of 65 and atleast 4 of them limped into every hand. AA cracked by 23s this was a common theme at this table these guys had almost no starting hand selection. i ended up down only 20 after about 5 hours at the 4/8 table. Which I was pretty happy about since I just couldn't get any traction and the Old Folks were on fire.

Rake Feeder Had a good night so head on over to his Gay online Diary for his writeup.

Now that your done reading my drivel go check out the TAO OF POKER FOR SOME GOOD Writing.

check out the Tao of Poker
and Don't forget to also check out LasVegasVegas for Flipchip's WSOP photos and there's the Poker Prof's cool 2007 WSOP Info page.
