First off, I want to thank each and every one of you who wrote about Guinness and Poker, and more importantly, everyone and anyone who came here to read about our beloved game of poker. You're the reason I blogged my ass off for over three years.
Wow Iggy Has decided to end guinnessandpoker. This is a sad day for all of us.
He is the BlogFather one who started the whole Poker Blogging thing with his Uber work killing Posts.
I guess everything must come to an end at some point but its a shame that he is hanging it up since he put out such quality posts (unlike Me). It truly is a shame.
Wow I haven't posted in almost 2 weeks. Why Well poker has been marginally better as of late. I am going back to limit poker on full tilt. It is where i am most comfortable playing.
The Patriots are doing their best to make the afc east a competive race.
It's really a shame that they have lost 2 in a row for the first time in like 4 years since they had a chance to play for the bye which now looks like a loooong shot.
Tom Brady has looked more like Ryan Leaf the last couple of weeks than himself.
4 interceptions just isn't very good.
Is he hurt or is this still just an adjustment period with his new receivers??? all his int's have been High. and we are talking about a QB who is usually extremely accurate.
why sign The Testacle (testeverde) who is 42?????
I think the pats will be fine and bounce back with a win this week since they are playing the Sucky Packers

They better fucking win since they have the Bears at home next week. and that game was moved from 1 to 4pm which is interesting since If the Pats had won atleast 1 of the last 2 games they probably would have moved the game to 8pm.
the Patriots should win this game by atleast 14 points.