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Friday, August 31, 2007

Free Tv's at

Percys in Worcster Mass, is having a sale this weekend.

If you buy a large screen TV and the Patriots win the SuperBowl the TV is FREE.


whats the catch?? there is none they have done this in the past.

so if you live around Worcester Mass. and need a new hdtv nows the chance.


REDSOX Suck Again

REDSOX Suck Again


When the Redsox started this series with the Evil Yankees I was hoping for a sweep, But it was the other way around.
13 hits in 3 games just isn't going to cut it. Watching J.D. Pew come to the play is infuriating to Me. I could have a Better shot than Him and I could never
hit very well But atleast I would take the Bat off my shoulder.

Let me Say that I am Not Worried about the Redsox Losing the A.L East. Not Going to happen. But I do expect the Yankees to make a run at the Wildcard
Now that the Seattle Mariners are playing like Tampa Bay.

Watched the First Half of the Patriots/Giants exhibition, What can I say it is easy to lose intrest when Not 1 starter for the Patriots Played.
Believe it or not I did watch till the Half then went looking for more interesting stuff to watch.

9 days till it begins. Is anyone else as excited as I am for football to start???

I like Baseball, But I love Football. Maybe it is because you only have 1 game a week as compared to baseball where 4-6 games is pretty normal
so the excitement factor for any 1 game outside of redsox/Yankees is minimal.

where as there are only 16 regular season NFL games. Every game means something. Lose 1 game and Its a Big fucking Deal.

I do want to congratulate LJ for her big score coming in 3rd in the 32k again.

Hope everyone has a Great Labor Day Weekend.
Be safe

Billy B

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Redsox -Yanks,

Here is what a Redsox fan has been thinking.

8 Wow its all over
7 Dammit we will get em.
6 What the Fuck?

Early game today Lets hope the redsox can salvage this game and get the lead back up to 7.

I was hoping to play the Mookie last night But my RakeBack provider never transfered me my money. Odd note that I emailed them and then they gave me double what I had requested. so no Mookie for me. Probably saved myself 11 bucks. But I really was sad that i couldn't donk it up with everyone for a change.

Drop the Hammer

Billy B

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Union: the business behind getting high

The Union: the business behind getting high

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Free Naked

link Roxy and Nikki
The Official Naked Papers Girls

Naked Papers is much more than just a clear rolling paper, Naked Papers is truly a lifestyle. Whether you’re rocking the Naked Papers gear, attending a Naked Papers event, or just enjoying the slow burning transparency of a Naked Papers rolling paper, you are part of an elite circle of people who dictate pace and define style.

Naked Facts:

  • Naked Papers are 95% Transparent.
  • Naked Papers are made from plant cellulose, are 80% Eucalyptus based cellulose , 14% glycerin and 6% water.
  • Cellulose is a common material in plant cell walls and is found in all plant material. Cellulose is actually the major component of paper.
  • Naked Papers are extremely slow buring because of the qualities of Glycerin.
  • Naked Papers are even burning.
  • Naked Papers is the only transparent rolling paper in a true king (7 x 11 cm) for EASY ROLLING.

Not ready to take the plunge yet? Need some convincing? How about some FREE SH*T? Just click on the "Send me my sh*t" button and we will send you a care package stuffed with samples of Naked Papers, every size, and an awesome array of cool sh*t, Best of All, it's free! What are you waiting for?

Happy Anniversary, Slip sliding away and The Numer is 8

Slip sliding away, slip sliding away
You know the nearer your destination, the more you slip sliding away

Today is my 13th Wedding anniversary. It is also the First day of school for the Wonkettes which would explain why Neither My Wife or I remembered to wish each other a Happy Anniversary.
Both of the Wonkette's were alittle Nervous going back to school today. Nothing to worry about but makes for a anxious morning at home.

13 years, Who would have thought we would make it this far? I am probably the luckiest man alive to have found a woman who would put up with all my shit for this long.
I should have taken the prop bets at my wedding I would be rich by now.
Well I am Rich just not in the Monetary sense, I have a great wife and 2 healthy Kids, and some very good friends. What more could I really ask for?

Maybe learning to play poker would be a good wish for me.

Moving on.

8 is the Number.

Do Yankee's fans still think they will overtake the redsox for the division? Do they actually believe they will make the playoffs?
Ftrain asked me 2 weeks ago if I was nervous and my answer was Very, 2 weeks later and My answer is Not at all.
The Yankees have started to fall apart now that they actually have to play teams that are good. No more beating up on the weak sisters of the poor. Time to show what you are made of
and the Yankees are made up of OLD MEN.

Tonight the sox and Yanks start a 3 game series which is always fun to watch. too bad alot of the excitement from a week ago is missing with the Yanks Slip sliding away .

good thing Football starts for real in like 12 days.
Has anyone seen the Patriots preseason? they look awsome, The only thing that will stop them will be injurys.
The defense will be one of the best in the league. and the offense looks very Offensive, and Randy Moss hasn't even played yet.

But i am getting ahead of myself, This is a Awsome time to be a Fan of Boston Sports.
The Redsox are in first, The Patriots look to be very good and the Boston Celtics are Relevant again.

Hope everyone has a Great day.

Billy B.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Worry not a chance, Wpbt #8

Red Sox A.L. East Lead - 6.5 Games

Games Remaining - 32

Tournament #25384409 (8/26/07 14:00ET)

>> Name/Title: WPBT 07 event #8
>> Password: wpbt72(bloggers only)
>> Date: 8/26 (Sunday)
>> Time: 2pm (Eastern/Server Time)
>> Buyin: $24 or token
>> Game: HO
>> Limit: PL
>> Amount of minimum players expected: 25-40


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