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Thursday, October 20, 2005


Lately I have been floundering around playing Poker.
Having no real direction so I set a goal of winning $30 a day for the next 60 days.
it sounds so simple but yet we will see.
I currently have 5 days straight of over 30 dollars in winnings which isn't much in and of itself,
but my bankroll is growing so I can move up to 4/8.



went to foxwoods today.

getting up at 5:30am which is a Drag, But since it is a 1 hour drive and I had to pick up my buddy Rob that is when the day started.
The tourney starts at 8:00. The cost is 45 + 15 so it is reasonable.
you start with 1500 chips and I never really got going.
we had one guy at the table to my immeditate left who got smacked in the face with the deck.
he ran up to 10k about 1 hour in. After making a few failed attempts to steal and losing most of my stack, I ended up pushing all in with A5 for less than the blind and who calls but the big guy with 55. He caught a 5 on the flop and a full house on the turn, IGHN

so since it is only 9:30 put my name on the list for the 4-8 game.
get seated at a new table with my Buddy Rob,
proceed to run my $100 buy in up to about 260 before giving some of it back after 3 hours.
cash out 180 so I made my tourney buyin back.

the play at the 4-8 tables is pretty week, typical hand would see 4-5 limpers in each hand.
even when i would raise would get 5 callers.

we had 1 old guy who would call down with any drawing hand and would shake his head when
he didnt get there pretty funny.

one guy thought 9-3os was a great hand to call a preflop raise with.

all in all i played pretty good shoulda let a few hands go earlier than I did.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Poker Blue

Playing at this New Site Poker Blue not alot of traffic but they are running a Promotion where, if you play 4 hours of ring (cash) games you get a ticket to thier weekly Freeroll for a Wsop or WPT event. they have had only 140 show up for the freeRoll so I will take those odds any day.

plus thier players are pretty bad so it is good on both ends.

Played a quick 20 min session at 2/4 limit , +48
they don't mind calling your raise down with bottom pair.
very very fishy.

will finish up my 4 hours tonight.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Welcome to my Poker Blog..

Inspired by Iggy, Billrini and linda at PokerWorks....

Despite months of telling myself I would never do it, I decided to start a poker blog. I play both Live and online and will be sharing my poker experiences and thoughts.

I usually play 1-2, 2-4 and lately some 3-6 Hold Em at Ultimate Bet and Party and most of my live play happens in Massachusetts and at Foxwoods casino.



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