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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Raq at phanphest

06.04.07 Phan Phest
RAQ to play Phan Phest. Phanphest Entertainment cordially invites YOU to join us at one of the premiere festival grounds in the Northeast for Phan Phest 3.0. Phanphest Entertainment has been dedicated over the past 5 years to spreading incredible music to crowds in New Jersey. Phan Phest 3.0 will be held at the legendary Indian Lookout Country Club (ILCC) located in beautiful Mariaville, NY. For more info. go to

Bonfire Festival
Hey there West Coast Hyperfunkers! A summer treat is coming your way. RAQ will be playing the 3rd annual Bonfire Festival in beautiful British Columbia. Bonfire is a uniquely British Columbian festival experience. A 4-day, hassle-free, art-infused weekend of exceptional music, camping and fun. Our stellar lineup of musical performers will appeal to a broad range of the Roots, Groove, Jazz, Funk & Folk audience who are known to appreciate the outdoor festival experience. For more info. go to

Friday, June 08, 2007

Check out Dr Pauly!

Hey Just in case you have your head stuck up your ass and didn't know the Wsop has started.
Head on over To Dr Pauly's Tao of Poker.

He Is a Fantastic Writer and Is Covering the WSOP or the W.S.O.P for who has the Live updates.

So Stop reading My crap and head over and read Dr Pauly's Tao of Poker.

check out


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Close but no Cigar

Man do I wish I was in vegas with the rest of the Bloggers. But since I blew my wad back
in March There was no way My wife was going to let me go again this soon.

Did anyone else watch Curt Shillings Near NoNo?? Wow is all I can say, Too bad he lost it with 1 out in the 9th. He would have been working on a Perfect game if Lugo hadn't booted that grounder which means the Shanon Stewart wouldn't have come to bat in the 9th.

Poker has been interesting. Went to Foxwoods on wensday night to play the 6 P.m tourney which is still a luck fest after the first hour. No Hands of Note and lost the one Coin flip at the end with TT.

Man do I wish I was in vegas with the rest of the Bloggers. But since I blew my wad back
in March There was no way My wife was going to let me go again this soon.

Did anyone else watch Curt Shillings Near NoNo?? Wow is all I can say, Too bad he lost it with 1 out in the 9th. He would have been working on a Perfect game if Lugo hadn't booted that grounder which means the Shanon Stewart wouldn't have come to bat in the 9th.

Poker has been interesting. Went to Foxwoods on wensday night to play the 6 P.m tourney which is still a luck fest after the first hour. No Hands of Note and lost the one Coin flip at the end with TT < AJo. Such is life so I sat down at a 4/8 table and proceded to win about 265 in the next 4 hours. I think I might just skip the tourney and play 4/8 next time I go. strange news here:

How would you like to be this guy? Got his wheelchair stuck in a semi and the driver didn't know.

Unable to hear Carpenter's cries for help over the hum of the diesel engine, the truck driver continued down Red Arrow Highway at speeds of approximately 50 mph."

Talk about an exhilarating ride of you life. Amazingly He wasn't hurt.

Have a great weekend and too all the Bloggers in Vegas have a Drink for me.

Billy B.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Medical Marijuana bill wins OK in Connecticut

Medical marijuana bill wins OK

Staff Writer

Published June 2 2007

HARTFORD - The state Senate, in a 23-13 bipartisan vote, last night approved a bill to legalize the medical use of marijuana to relieve the suffering of patients with debilitating conditions such as cancer or AIDS.

The legislation, approved May 23 by the House, 89-58, heads to Republican Gov. M. Jodi Rell for her signature.

If the legislation becomes law, Connecticut will become the 13th state to allow the palliative use of marijuana despite the federal prohibition against it.

"She'll read it thoroughly and think it over," Rell spokesman Adam Liegeot said.

A 2004 University of Connecticut poll showed 83 percent of respondents backed allowing doctors to prescribe marijuana in such cases.

State Sen. Andrew McDonald, D-Stamford, introduced the legislation on the Senate floor. But the four other senators from southwestern Connecticut - Bob Duff, D-Norwalk; Judith Freedman, R-Westport; John McKinney, R-Fairfield; and William Nickerson, R-Greenwich - opposed the bill.

The legislation passed last night would allow a doctor to certify an adult patient's use of marijuana after determining he or she has a debilitating condition and could potentially benefit from marijuana. Patients and their primary caregivers would then register with the state Department of Consumer Protection.

The patient and the primary caregiver would be limited to growing no more than four plants, each having a maximum height of 4 feet, in an indoor secure facility.

"It's rare we have an opportunity to pass legislation that will have an extraordinary effect on the well-being of those who are the sickest amongst us," McDonald said in introducing the bill.

But Nickerson said it was not wise for state legislators to make decisions best left to the Federal Drug Administration.

"They are legally authorized, medically equipped and have decades of experience," Nickerson said.

McKinney said although it is a "proven medical fact" marijuana use can prove damaging, its medical benefits are less conclusive.

He also was concerned that the plants grown for medical purposes would not be destroyed afterward and would contribute to the drug trade.

"And that marijuana then goes back out onto the street, maybe into the hands of some kids," McKinney said. "(The bill) is very well-intended, but I think there's a lot of room for error here."

Freedman introduced a few amendments that would either provide additional restrictions or call for further study of the bill. But even if any of her amendments were adopted, she said she still would vote against the bill.

Freedman also had a message for the ill residents who may have been watching the debate.
"We hear your pain. We feel your pain," she said. "But there has to be a way to make it subside with legal means."
Duff did not participate in the debate, but afterward said the bill is flawed because anyone who takes advantage of the legislation would be breaking the law.

"You cannot, legally, get the first seed . . . under federal law. Your doctor can't give you the first seed. You can't mail order the seed, legally," Duff said. "Our country abides by the rule of law, so therefore this is not a bill we really should be debating in the legislature."

McDonald said afterward: "It would still be illegal under federal law, although I can't point to one case in the country where the federal government has arrested somebody for purchasing marijuana seeds for medicinal purposes."

He said the bill could be challenged in federal court.

"But now we're going to have 13 states," he said. "I'm pretty certain we're close to a tipping point where the FDA will be forced into a position of funding studies they've consistently refused to undertake."

Copyright © 2007, Southern Connecticut Newspapers, Inc.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Neteller to return funds

Finally some good news for online players. atleast ones who have Money On neteller.

Poker News - NETeller Says Plan in Place to Return Seized Funds

NETeller Says Plan in Place to Return Seized Funds
Company Hopes to Be Able to Implement Plan by July 13

NETeller today announced that it and the U.S. Government has agreed to a plan to distribute millions of dollars that belong to U.S. customers that was frozen after the company and its founders were charged with racketeering and other charges related to online gambling in February.

Here’s what the release says:

“The agreed Distribution Plan details the process and mechanisms for the return of funds to U.S. customers. U.S. customers will be able to access their NETeller accounts online for a certain time and make a request for their funds. In accordance with NETeller’s Terms of Use, no interest on account balances will be paid. NETeller will not charge fees to customers to process requests for funds. Funds will be distributed either by electronic transfer to the bank account on record with NETeller or by a check to be sent to a mailing address as confirmed by the customer.

If a U.S. customer has a bank account already registered with NETeller, funds transfer will be by electronic transfer subject to confirmation by the customer that the registered bank account remains valid.

U.S. customers will receive the entire balance of funds in their account; no requests for partial payments will be processed. U.S. customers cannot use their accounts for any transaction other than to request the funds.
Further information will be communicated to NETeller’s U.S. customers via email, through our website and through a press release once the date for implementation of the Distribution Plan is finalized.”

The President and CEO of NETeller, Ron Martin, had this to say:

“The agreement on the Distribution Plan represents a milestone in our cooperation with the U.S. authorities. While we are disappointed not to have been able to return funds to our U.S. customers at this point, we believe that the steps we have made in our discussions are significant and we hope to be able to announce further progress with the U.S.A.O. by 13 July 2007.”

That date is the company’s target date to resolve the entire investigation.

When most U.S. Customers logged into their Neteller account in recent weeks, the balance showed was zero. It's been reported by people around the Internet (and even in the offices of Card Player) that the accounts are now showing the same balance that was there before the investigation started.

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