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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Bitter Sweet Homecoming for the Doctor

Welcome Home Doc.

Bitter Sweet Homecoming for the DoctorDrChako is home from Iraq. Unfortunatley His Dad Passed away.

DrChacko is someone I have never met but feel like I have from reading his travels thru Iraq.

I am Glad he is Home safe to his family. Hopefully for good. I hope that one day soon all our troops will return home safe to their family's too.

Chip Leader Disqualified at WSOP Circuit Final TableDid anyone else see this.
PUBLISHED: Friday Mar 07, 2008 02:46 PM

"Panetta's victory was overshadowed by the antics of Lesley S. Thornburg, who, according to a tournament report written by Nolan Dalla, the WSOP media director, received two warnings for unsportsmanlike behavior during the event's first day for "a ceaseless display of loud comments and baiting tactics lasting several hours."
With seven players left, Thornburg ended up all-in against Andy Santiago, who had Thornburg dominated with A-Q versus A-7. But a 7 on the flop gave the unorthodox Thornburg the chip lead, to the dismay of the remaining players, who were forced to further endure Thornburg's tactics.

Two hands later, Thornburg again caught lighting in a bottle when he called an all-in raise by Edward "Yank" Sullivan, who held pocket sevens. Thornburg held pocket fours, but a four flopped and knocked Sullivan out of the tournament. He earned $15,855.

This is when things turned weird. Here's what Dalla wrote about the situation:

"Then, all hell broke loose. Literally. Holding onto a perilous chip lead, Thornburg lost self-control and began jamming chips into the pot with reckless abandon. Warned by tournament officials (repeatedly) to stack his chips properly and obey the rules, Thornburg crossed the final demarcation of everyone's patience when he shoved half of his stack into the pot and then later announced, "all in." Fed up with the annoying and confusing antics, officials announced Thornburg's immediate disqualification. Lesley Thornburg, a general contractor from Richmond, Va., earned $19,026 in prize money."

Thornburg's chips were then removed from play, and the tournament continued fourhanded.

The top nine finishers and their payouts follow:

  1. Frank Panetta - $76,104

  2. Andy Santiago - $42,824

  3. Todd Rebello - $25,368

  4. Lee Ervin - $22,197

  5. Lesley S. Thornburg (disqualified) - $19,026

  6. Edward "Yank" Sullivan - $15,855

  7. Donald Mercer - $12,684

  8. "Karate" Mike Santoro - $9,513

  9. Francis Snyder - $6,342

Sounds like Tony G to me or how bout Mr Brenes or Hevad Khan. Loud Obnoxious players trying to bully and intimidate their opppents. Now I think that there is way too much boorish Behavior at the tables already but this seems a bit heavy handed.

why wouldn't they just give him a time peanalty like Mike "the Mouth" Mattusow got for uttering F Bombs at the 2005 Wsop Main Event? Maybe they should have picked Mike Mattusow up after the 3rd F Bomb.

the Proposed new Rules from Matt Savage's Blog here is one Nice one.

"One new rule that I like is Rule #36 which states: "Excessive celebration through extended theatrics, inappropriate behavior, or physical actions, gestures, or conduct may be subject to penalty. Hevad Khan and Humberto Brenes could be in real trouble in 2008."

Should be Interesting to watch the Fallout from these new rules changes. Lets hope it gets rid of some of the Out of line celebrations.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Gilreins in Worcester, Mass this weekend

File this under whats going on at Gilreins in Worcester, Mass this weekend

Worcester, Mass is fortunate to have such a Nice Club to see the Blue at. Gilreins Brings in some of the Best Blues/rock bands to come thru Central Massachusetts.

If you live in Worcester or in Central Massachusetts come on out to Gilreins

This Week
Thurs. 03/13 - Honky Tonk Evil Doers - Great band, Lots of fun!!

Fri. 03/14 - The Gary Bernath Band - This is a MUST see band

Sat. 03/15 - Wilbur & The Dukes with Shakey Steve and The Blue Cats (Gilrein’s 1st Anniversary Party - Come Join the celebration)

Sun. 03/16 - Sunday Open Mike hosted by Rick Harrington Band -
No Cover Charge Featured Guest - Mike Crandall & Others (5:00 PM - 9:00 PM)
Free Appetizers for all, free giveaways for musicians.

[Listening to: Let's Talk About Sex (Original Recipe Club Mix) (BuddyDank Radio Test) - Salt N Pepa - (0:-1)]

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

'Gilligan's' Mary Ann caught with dope

Ok this settles the Question (Ginger or MaryAnne) once and for all. You could be getting High with Mary Anne in the tent.

DRIGGS, Idaho - Dawn Wells, who played Mary Ann on "Gilligan's Island," is serving six months' unsupervised probation after allegedly being caught with marijuana in her car.

She was sentenced Feb. 29 to five days in jail, fined $410.50 and placed on probation after pleading guilty to one count of reckless driving.

Under a plea agreement, three misdemeanor counts — driving under the influence, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a controlled substance — were dropped.

On Oct. 18, Teton County sheriff's Deputy Joseph Gutierrez arrested Wells as she was driving home from a surprise birthday party that was held for her. According to the sheriff's office report, Gutierrez pulled Wells over after noticing her swerve and repeatedly speed up and slow down. When Gutierrez asked about a marijuana smell, Wells said she'd just given a ride to three hitchhikers and had dropped them off when they began smoking something. Gutierrez found half-smoked joints and two small cases used to store marijuana.

The 69-year-old Wells, founder of the Idaho Film and Television Institute and organizer of the region's annual family movie festival called the Spud Fest, then failed a sobriety test.

Wells' lawyer, Ron Swafford, said that a friend of Wells' testified that he'd left a small amount of marijuana in the vehicle after using it that day, and that Wells was unaware of it. Swafford also said several witnesses were prepared to testify that Wells had very little to drink at the party and was not intoxicated when she left. He said she was swerving on the road because she was trying to find the heater controls in her new car.

I Run Good

This is a Bad Beat so you have been warned.

Not Much to say about that one.

Thanks FullTilt hope your island Floods.

BBT3 futitility, Celtics hit 50, spitzer, clemens and Bonds

Congrats to Lucko21 who took down last nights Mondays at the Hoy. Lucko got a big lead early and never let up. At least tilt away didn't win don't know who this fucker is, but Dude shut the fuck up If i want your critique of my bad play I will ask for it.

Once again I busted short of the points or the money. I really should have just skipped it since my heart wasn't really in it. Poker has been kicking my ass lately, leaving me scratching my head sometimes and others pissed at myself for doing something that I know is Probably bad but doing it anyways.

Tonight is the Bodog Blogger Tourney and Chad's Skillz game which is PL Omaha hi. I will be at bodog Iam not sure about the skillz game.

The Boston Celtics Won their 50th game last night with 32 left. Think about the fact that they won a total of 24 games last year. What a difference a Year makes along with Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen.

I listen to Boston based WEEI 1440 am or 850 am am the #1 sports radio in the country, They have a copy of the website which is where Eliot Spitzer liked to get his High Class Hookers from.

John Dennis asked Dan Patrick who would Play a game first, Barry Bonds, Rodger Clemens or Pacman Jones? His answer was Pacman Jones which was surprising since I figured Bonds would get a Job somewhere in MLB with an American League team where he could DH.

They then asked him which one would spend more time in Jail and He said neither would do any time?? WTF is he talking about. Rodger Clemens is Definetley going to Prison for Perjury and Bonds Most likely for Tax Evasion.

I saw this headline and wondered if it was Iggy? but then I read it again and it said Madam not Madman.




Blogger Big Game

No-Limit Hold ‘em, Double Stack
$69 + 6 (or a Tier II Token)
First Sunday of the month at 21:30 ET
Password: donkey

Monday’s at the Hoy
No-Limit Hold ‘em, Double Stack
$24 + 2
Every Monday at 22:00 ET
Password: hammer

Blogger Skill Series
Weekly Mixed Game, Double Stack + Knockout
$12 + 1
Every Tuesday at 21:30 ET
Password: skillz

The Mookie
No-Limit Hold ‘em, Double Stack
$10 + 1
Every Wednesday at 22:00 ET
Password: vegas1

Riverchasers Online Tour
No-Limit Hold ‘em, Double Stack
Every Thursday at 21:00 ET
Password: riverchasers

Monday, March 10, 2008

Math at 10 es

The Math is tonight at 10pm eastern. 6 max No Limit Holdem with lots of aggressive monkeys.
thats 10pm on Full tilt Poker.


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