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Saturday, June 30, 2007

What does Freedom Mean to you????

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Math,Mookie < Riverchasers

3rd isn't bad Right????

I was happy that this is the 2nd to last of the BBT tourneys since I have't been running too well in them as of late.
Although the Riverchasers tourney didn't start out much better since I got knocked down to about T500 pretty early But managed to fight my way back without Going on SUPER MEGA Waffles tilt.

Speaking of whom I had the pleasure of sitting with for most of last nights tourney and Man Does he Bring out the Railbirds? we shall call him Tilt Master instead of Waffles.
I did also get the extra Pleasure of playing most of the tourney with Bayne and Hoyazo, the eventual winner of the RC#13

The Final table was a Whos who's of Donkeys.

My Final table Strategy is pretty much like Hoy's and it is to play it relativley slow till we get a few people out since The money started at the FT sometimes people get a little loose and by tightening up I move up without too much risk. Waffles also started to get way aggressive again.

I went out third after slowplaying my way out. this is the hand from Hoyazo's since I didnt manage toget a shot. I had 9,3 flopped 2 pair then checked it down where I pushed over his weak ass bet only to realize I AM A DONKEY.

Going to a Local Home game which should have a few Bloggers there, Biggestro and RakeFeeder. They will join the rest of the Monkeys who don't know how to fold 2nd pair.
Interesting thing is there are some really good players at this game since we have talked about 2+2 and such but I routinely see us on the sidelines watching the ones who don't know how to fold a small pair.

This sunday is the Last tourney in the Rankings. I already won My token in the Frenzy's
See u then.



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