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Thursday, August 02, 2007


Tournament: Battle of Blogger Tournament $2,500 Freeroll
When: Thursday, 22:00 ET
Password: Qualifiers already pre-registered

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Lew Au is only five days away, and hope you are as excited as we are. The official schedule has been released, and we have posted it here for your

The Lew Au is only five days away. The official schedule has been released, and we have posted it here for your


12:15pm-1:00pm Bad Suit
11:30pm-12:45pm Casual Fiasco
1:30pm-2:30pm The Jaik Miller Band
1:15pm-2:30pm The Brew
3:00pm-5:30pm (2 SETS) Strangefolk
3:00pm-4:30pm Tim Reynolds
6:30pm- (3 SETS) RAQ
5:00pm-6:30pm Al and The Trans-Americans
Latenight DJ Logic
7:00pm- (2 SETS) RAQ

If you going to be in or around that Hippie state Vermont and you like Jam Bands. Then this is right up your alley.

RAQ is a rising, electrifying quartet out of Burlington, VT. Described as aggressive improvisational rock their music steadily raises the stakes to the music fan while maintaining listening accessability. Their performances capture the listeners taking them for a joyride of the senses. RAQ is a musical storm, sometimes devestating, sometimes calm and clear but always unpredictable and relentness. It is a sound that is both retro and futuristic to a new generation of growing music fans.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion Test.

I usually have a Hard time with these things.

News from Netteller

Netteller News.Just recieved this email from Netteller. Could it be true????

Dear Billy,

The NETELLER Plc Group has announced that the distribution of funds to its US members will begin on July 30, 2007.

You are receiving this e-mail because our records reflect that you are a US member who may request funds from NETELLER. As of July 30, you will be able to make a request for funds on NETELLER’s website by signing in to your account. In the meantime, you should visit our online FAQs for more information about the distribution plan.

Please note that US members will not be able to request funds from the NETELLER website after January 26, 2008.
NETELLER Plc Group ----

another one i just recieved made me wonder:

A thunderstorm in your pants with Penis Enlarge Patch.

what the fuck is a thunderstorm in your pants????
it sounds like it could be a bit messy

Full Tilt 24k and Other random Musings.

Full Tilt 24k and other random Musings.Having won a token I figured I would try My Mad Poker skills playing the 24k, Not having played it since Full tilt decided to stop working 30 from the money on tuesday.
I figured Lets see if they can stay up for the whole tourney And More Importantly could I actually make the MONEY?????

My General goal is to survive the first hour since this is usually where most of my bad exits occur. Not that I won't play my big cards but I don't want to do anything stupid which is hard for me sometimes.

I started off trying to play lots of small pots dropping down to 2200 when a failed steal went bad and i Folded to a big reraise.
then things go rolling when I didn't get unlucky with this hand

Then 2 hands later I wake up with this hand.

Not bad considering I was card dead for the last hour or so and got by by stealing and generally just being a spectator.

"Wolves, Celtics revive Garnett trade talks"

Boston reportedly would acquire KG for Jefferson, Ratliff and a guard who is not Rajon Rondo.
If they do pull off this trade, They go from being Irellevant to Very Fucking relevant in Boston.

This trade would make the Celtics one of the Top 3 teams in the EAST. the core of this team would be:

  • Paul Pierce
  • Kevin Garnett
  • Ray Allen
If they sign him to an extension this would be a fantastik deal even though they have to trade a talent like Al Jefferson.

Please let this happen. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

Have a great week everyone


Sunday, July 29, 2007

Observations from the poolPoker and Football

No Poker Content today.

Took the 2 daughters to the JCC pool for a few hours this afternoon.
Funny how all the kids jump in and then proceed to tell us how warm the water is. While all the Parents do that
Godamm it is cold dance. It just goes to show that you turn into a Pussie after the age of 20.

The Cougar count was 2 with the rest just not holding up so well. I will chalk it up to it being a weekend during the week there are alot more Hotties (girls under 25 make that Younger than ME.)

Why is it People just let their kids do anything when they are in public? I was sitting in my chair sunbathing my Finely
tuned Physique. When I Got splashed Not once, Not twice but 3 fucking times. It was then that I actually said something to the
the little Twits who couldn't seem to keep their fucking ball in the water. I was nice just told them to move the fuck away from me.

Brought the Not Ipod mp3 player to keep me company, which was working great till Daughter #1 decided I should let her listen to one of the ear buds.

Here are the first 10 songs that Played.

  1. Full Moon - The Kinks

  2. Put your Lights on - Everlost

  3. Step by Step- New Kids on the Block
  4. ( No idea how this one got on My MP3 player)

  5. Back in Black - ACDC

  6. Feel Like Making Love - Bad Company

  7. We Bid You Goodnight - Grateful Dead

  8. Heaven - Bryan Adams

  9. You Really Got Me - the Kinks

  10. Higher - Creed

  11. Dealer/ Spanish Rose - Santana

Here is a Blogger tourney that I have never Played but you should.Maybe tonight will be my first.


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